Top MBA Admission

Find a quick and accurate answer with PrepAdviser’s new online tool – the “How Good Am I for a Top MBA” study plan.

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This tool helps you assess, step-by-step, your personal potential and receive a realistic evaluation of your chances for admission onto a top MBA programme. You will use a combination of online tools, reading and video materials, GMAT practice and diagnostic tests, and feedback from admissions and GMAT preparation experts. You can also take advantage of live Q&A sessions and receive useful tips about your preparation.

Learn Why Profile Evaluation is Important

And the best thing is that you can choose the speed at which you go through the steps of the study plan. You can start by presenting your profile in a short text or send a brief, self-made, video about yourself to get an initial profile evaluation. After that you can receive feedback on your motivation to undertake MBA studies in a top programme.

You will learn what it takes to ace the GMAT through videos and diagnostic tests. You can even get feedback from a GMAT instructor and discuss a preparation strategy.

The tool will also help you make a realistic plan for financing your top MBA studies, as it presents the possible sources of funding with pros and cons.

Finally, you will get a final evaluation of how ready you actually are for a top MBA programme. This will give you a clear view of your potential and highlight your areas of improvement and what you need to focus on during your preparation for admission.

So do not waste more time wondering. Start your free evaluation process now at your own pace with PrepAdviser’s How Good am I for a Top MBA for free!


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