Helpful for: MBA Applicants

Read Time: 8 minutes

Quick Facts:

  • Browsing through your Instagram feed might inspire you and help bring out themes you can use for your essay. Your application will not only be about your achievements but on who you are as a person.
  • Looking over your Facebook likes will give you a glimpse into your interests, and past events you attended will reveal with who and how you spend most of your time. Overall, you can use the platform as a highlight reel to evaluate yourself as an individual.
  • Using LinkedIn to connect to professionals of the industry you see yourself entering after your MBA will equip you with a realistic perspective on your future goals. Using the information gained from them in your essay will also demonstrate motivation and awareness to the admissions committee. Veritas Prep adds:

Selected Quote:

Ideally, speak with hiring managers in the field as well, and learn whether an MBA would be the ideal way to achieve this transition. Then in your essay, you can use lines such as, “In speaking with top performers and hiring managers in this industry, they have recommended…, so I have done… to prepare for the upcoming transition.” You can very clearly and concretely demonstrate that your goals are well researched.

Useful Information:

  • Logging into your old social media accounts and scrolling around might remind you of certain experiences and positive aspects of your character you might’ve forgotten, and which could possibly strengthen your application.

Check Out: School Admissions Officers Turn to Social Media

Good luck in your academic journey, and make sure you register on PrepAdviser to stay updated about the latest information on preparing for and applying to international MBA and Master’s programs! Follow us on TwitterInstagram and Facebook.

Source: Veritas Prep