MBA rankings are a very popular and a very tempting tool to use for selecting business schools for your MBA studies. However, there are a number of important details which you should consider before using the list of ranked b-schools.

The reputation of business schools is not built by media rankings alone, although it may be affected by them. There are many reputable schools which are not listed in the rankings. Reputation varies per region, country and sector/industry.

Accreditations may be considered the real stamp for quality of an MBA. Accreditation is a must if you aim to have an internationally acknowledged MBA degree. Learn what is accreditation and how is it related to MBA rankings and reputation.


During the live chat you can learn:

-       When you should look at MBA rankings.

-       How to read MBA rankings.

-       Which the best rankings are.


Get expert advice

PrepAdviser’s Head of Admissions Consulting, Iliana Bobova , will reply to your questions live. Iliana has advised people just like you and they gained admission and generous scholarships for European and American business schools.


How to join the Live Chat:

  1. Visit on 2 April between 1 pm and 2 pm CET (GMT+1).
  2. Log in or Register at the top of the homepage or directly in the chat box.
  3. Post your questions in the Chat Box at the right-hand bottom corner of the home page.


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