NEOMA Business School MBA

Global Executive MBA Global Executive MBA Global Executive MBA Global Executive MBA Global Executive MBA Global Executive MBA Global Executive MBA Global Executive MBA Global Executive MBA Global Executive MBA Global Executive MBA Global Executive MBA Global Executive MBA Global Executive MBA Global Executive MBA Global Executive MBA
Location: France
About NEOMA Business School
Born from the alliance of 2 storied and prestigious "Grandes Ecoles", Rouen Business School (1871) and Reims Management School (1928), NEOMA Business School is ranked among the best Management Schools in Europe and in the top 10 in France according to the Financial Times. NEOMA BS owns the triple accreditation EQUIS, AACSB & AMBA and a network of 65,700 graduates in 127 countries.    The institution offers more 20 programmes in English in all disciplines of Management Sciences and a Global Executive MBA on its Paris Campus.   At NEOMA, we are passionate about today's societal transformations and the challenges related  to the technological revolution, the place given to people, social utility and ecology. Each Business School has its own unique DNA. At NEOMA Business School, that DNA is centred on personal and professional development, agile leadership and entrepreneurship, through truly innovative learning methods and guided by a global, social and environmental vision. The NEOMA Global EMBA is a world-class, transformational journey for high potentials who want to become inspiring leaders and make a societal impact in a digital era.    
Programme Presentation
Born from the alliance of 2 storied and prestigious "Grandes Ecoles", Rouen Business School (1871) and Reims Management School (1928), NEOMA Business School is ranked among the best Management Schools in Europe and in the top 10 in France according to the Financial Times. NEOMA BS owns the triple accreditation EQUIS, AACSB & AMBA and a network of 62,300 graduates in 127 countries. The institution offers more 20 programmes in English in all disciplines of Management Sciences and a Global Executive MBA on its Paris Campus.
Programme Info

Created in 1998, located in Central Paris, the NEOMA Business School’s Global EMBA offers a global experience to develop your leadership skills, envision strategic transformations for your organisation and make a societal impact in a digital era. 

It is structured around 3 ambitions and offers a strong focus on management with regards to ESG (Environmental, Social and Goverance) : 

  • Change your Mindset: Realize your personal transformation, find your own path & develop your own leadership style
  • Create Value: Connect dots and get a global overview, 360° business view of fundamentals of management
  • Innovate : Learn how to innovate for you and your teams through innovative methods

Programme Format : Executive MBA (part-time)

  • 2 start dates: October, March
  • 7 seminars on Paris Campus of a duration of 4 days each from Wednesday to Saturday
  • 3 industry immersions in France
  • 2 International Learning experience: Social Entrepreneurship (Accra, Ghana) and FinTech (New-York, USA) 
  • 3-6 months Capstone project

Career and Leadership growth activities: Career Development activities, Alumni Mentoring, Individual professional coaching sessions, a digital experience on the NEOMA BS metaverse campus

Our academic excellence is confirmed by the triple accreditation AMBA, EQUIS & AACSB and is ranked among the FT Global 100 EMBAs, in the TOP 40 in Europe in the QS Global EMBA ranking, #7 in France.

The NEOMA Global EMBA : « Experience Global Perspectives, become an Impactful Leader »


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Student Body

Student body :

Male Female Ratio : 70/30%
Age Range :  29-53
Average Age : 39
Degree Background : Business & Commerce 35%, Engineering 35%, Science 15%, Liberal Arts 11%, others 4%
Sectors : Manufacturing, Construction, Energy & Chemical 15%, Marketing & Branding, Consulting, Media 15%, IT, Telecoms 8%, Banking, Financial Services 8%, Hospitality, Tourism 8%, Science, Research, Education 8%, Arts, Culture 8%, others 23% 

Degree Background :
Business & Commerce 35%
Engineering 35%
Science 15%
Liberal Arts 11%
Others 4%

Manufacturing, Construction, Energy & Chemical 15%
Marketing & Branding, Consulting, Media 15%
IT, Telecoms 8%
Banking, Financial Services 8%
Hospitality, Tourism 8%
Science, Research, Education 8%
Arts, Culture 8%
Others 23%

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Admission Requirements

Application requirements :

1. Applications are composed online - including essay questions, a CV, diplomas, academic transcripts and a short pre-recorded video interview. 

2. Pre-selected candidates are invited to an Admissions Panel:

  • Case study presentation
  • Admissions Interview either on-Campus or via Zoom followed by an Admissions Panel.

University degree: Bachelor's degree or equivalent
Professional Experience: 5 years minimum 
GMAT: Recommended, not required 
Language fluency: Fluent TOEIC or TOEFL-tested level of English (with the possibility of spoken English being tested by the Admissions Panel)

Application Deadlines: rolling admissions all year long - 2 entry dates: October, March.

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Financing your Global Executive MBA :

  • Tuition Fee 2022 - 2023: €37.900
  • NEOMA Business School offers a certain number of scholarships, and may offer financial aid, depending upon the quality of your application and your profile.
  • Early Birds reduction of €3,000.
  • For residents in France, the programme is eligible for financing through your « Compte Personnel de Formation ».
Please contact :

Names: Virginie CHENEBENOIT, Kataline BOUBET

Book your meeting:


Telephone: +33 6 08 31 76 29 /+ 33 6 99 69 79.

Address:  NEOMA Business School  - Paris Campus - Quartier Buttes aux Cailles - 6 rue Vandrezanne 75013 Paris, France

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