Deusto Business School MASTERS

1st Business School in Spain 1st Business School in Spain 1st Business School in Spain 1st Business School in Spain 1st Business School in Spain 1st Business School in Spain 1st Business School in Spain 1st Business School in Spain
Location: Spain
About Deusto Business School
Deusto Business School is the first business school founded in Spain, since 1916. It is accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) and by the Association of MBAs (AMBA). These international accreditations recognize quality and excellence in business education and place Deusto Business School among the forefront of its peers. Only 2% and 6% of business schools worldwide are recognized by AMBA and by AACSB, respectively. It has lead the training of business leaders at its two locations for over a century:  La Comercial - part of the Bilbao campus since 1916 ESTE - created in 1956 at the San Sebastian campus Deusto Business School embodies century-old tradition and prestige and also manages to embrace the major trends that are currently transforming the world of business.
Programme Presentation
AACSB and AMBA accredited institution. 1st Business School founded in Spain (since 1916)
Programme Info

Programme Info

Master's Degree in European & International Business Management (Trilingual: English, Spanish and French)

This programme is suitable for recent graduates who are willing to take on the challenge of this intensive educational experience which includes a great deal of mobility and cultural change. Students are afforded the opportunity to study business management from a global perspective. The programme is held in three countries. Deusto Business School (Bilbao,Spain), Audencia Business School (Nantes, France) and University of Bradford (Bradford, United Kingdom). The official language of each country will be the language of instruction.

Campus: Bilbao, Nantes, Bradford Credits: 90 ECTS Dedication: Full time Internship: Obligatory. 3-6 months and in any country Language: English, Spanish, French

Master's Degree in Management (English or Spanish)

This programme is especially designed for persons with backgrounds which are not related to management (e.g. engineering, law, sciences, sociology…) ensuring that they can take full advantage of this unique educational opportunity. This programme aims to provide students with comprehensive training in the professional and personal scopes as they acquire the competences, skills and aptitudes required from business executives. Special emphasis is placed on entrepreneurship.

Campus: San Sebastián Credits: 90 ECTS Dedication: Full time Internship: Obligatory. 30 ECTS Language: English or Spanish

Master's Degree in International Business (English)

This Master’s degree programme equips future business leaders with the most effective competences to detect international business opportunities, and design and implement international business strategy. The key aspects of international management (marketing, finance, human resources, etc.) in each country are highlighted. The programme focuses on the specialist field of international business management, highlighting the particularities of different geographic areas worldwide and fosters development of working skills in multicultural teams. The programme includes two International Study Trips to China and Morocco, where participants will have the opportunity to develop their understanding of the international markets on-site through trainings in the country and company visits. 


Campus: San Sebastián Credits: 60 ECTS  Dedication: Full time Internship: Obligatory. 18 ECTS Language: English 

Master's Degree in Human Resources (Spanish)

If you want a career in people management, the Master’s degree in Human Resources can help you complete your training career providing human resources knowledge, aptitudes and skills. If you are working in human resources and are concerned about updating your knowledge and learning new people management tendencies, or you wish to broaden your field of professional prospects, this programme is a good fit for you.
Participants of this Master’s degree will do an internship (participants with no experience) or an Improvement Project (experienced profile) that will allow you to apply previous concepts and techniques.

Campus: Bilbao Credits: 60 ECTS Dedication: Part time Lenguage: Spanish

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Student Body

Student Body

Number of nationalities: Over 25

Percentage of international students: 30%

Admission Requirements


The 2022-2023 admissions process remains open for the September 2022 intake. For more information, please contact

The documents to be submitted are the following:

  • Valid passport (identification page only)
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Letter of motivation
  • Most recent academic transcript
  • Language certificates (if applicable)
  • Access certificate



Tuition Fees

Subject to changes for 2022-2023:

  • Master's Degree in European & International Business Management (Trilingual: English, Spanish and French) - 15.348€
  • Master's Degree in Management (English or Spanish) -  13.050€
  • Master's Degree in International Business (English) - tba
  • Master's Degree in Human Resources (Spanish) - 15.480€

Deusto Business School offers the DBS scholarships for Master's level studies to aid students in pursuing their postgraduate studies. These scholarships cover up to 50% of the tuition fees and all students of this programme are eligible to apply. Contact our Admissions Team for more information.

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Bilbao Campus:
Hermanos Aguirre 2, 48014 Bilbao

San Sebastián Campus:
Mundaiz 50, 20012 San Sebastián